The most robust and feature rich subscription app on the Shopify platform.
With three different styles of operation to choose from, accompanying our new Build A Box feature - you can find a way to offer subscriptions that fits perfectly into your existing store.
Newest Features
Convertible Subscriptions
Offer a subscription based on the customer's initial purchase item, allowing for an automatic product switch between the initial and recurring order!
Dynamic Discounts
Offer an initial discount that is different than the recurring discount, allowing for the discount to automatically change after a set number of orders!
Build A Box
Allow your subscribers to choose what products go into their recurring subscription box - used for meal plans, subscription boxes, and so much more!
Release new products and menu items, allowing subscribers to customize their box between recurring orders.
Try out a Standard Subscription
Bag of Coffee
Try it out!
Subscribe to this product and use the following fake credit card info when you check out.
Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
EXP: 11/19
CVV: 123
After you place the order check out the "Manage Subscriptions" to see how customers can manage their own subscriptions. You'll need to be signed in. To create an account click here.
PLUS, if you login as a customer you'll also see the option to add it to existing subscriptions. To login as a customer click here and use the following info:
Password: boldapps